A total of two Land Appraisers in the Simple Property Appraisal Services Sector were officially sworn in by the Head of the Banten Province National Land Agency (BPN) Regional Office, Sudaryanto on Wednesday (21/08/2024).
Taking place in the Baduy Hall of the Banten Province BPN Regional Office, Sudaryanto said, “Of course, in assessing it, it must be careful.
It must be accountable and the data must be valid in the field, so that there are no manipulative elements that harm the state,” he said.
He continued that cases or problems in the context of land acquisition compensation are problematic when the assessment is invalid or there are elements of interest from related parties.
“I beg you, work carefully, honestly and accountably, can be accounted for and must coordinate with related parties,” he said.
The public is of course familiar with the partners of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Land Deed Making Officials (PPAT) and Licensed Surveyors.
Then other partners of the Ministry of ATR/BPN such as Land Appraisers, what is meant by Land Appraisers and their duties?
Reported from the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Number 17 of 2022 concerning Land Appraisers.
Land Appraisers are public appraisers who have obtained a license from the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN to calculate the value of land acquisition activity objects for development in the public interest and other land and spatial planning activities.
Land Appraisers (PP) consist of 2 categories, namely PP in the Property Appraisal Services Sector and PP in the Simple Property Appraisal Services Sector whose duties include assessing land objects.
Above and below ground space, buildings, plants, objects related to land and other objects that can be assessed.
The scope of PP in the Simple Property Appraisal Services Sector includes (1) Assessment of estimated land value for small-scale land acquisition.
(2) Assessment of small-scale land acquisition objects, which is carried out directly by agencies that require land.
(3) Assessment of P3MB and Prk.5 objects, (4) Assessment of land consolidation objects, (5) Assessment related to spatial planning.
(6) Assessment of handling social impacts in the context of providing land for national development and (7) Assessment of the calculation of compensation values as an impact of the use and utilization of space above and below ground.
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