Jakarta, postsurabaya.com
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) awarded the title of Orderly Administrative Area with Integrity (WTAB) to 46 regional work units, at the Birawa Assembly Hall, Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (20/08/2024).
The WTAB title was given in order to fully support efforts to develop a Complete Sustainable Systematic Integrity Zone within the Ministry of ATR/BPN.
“WTAB is the foundation for WBK and WBBM (Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area) and ultimately ATR/BPN can provide public services that are increasingly accountable, transparent, professional, and serving,” continued Minister AHY.
He also revealed that the Integrity Zone attached to government agencies is not just a formality.
“It should not just be a mere slogan, but because we need a solid foundation in carrying out our duties and dedication wherever we are, whether at the center, province, or district/city,” said Minister AHY in his remarks.
For information, the work units that received the WTAB predicate this time were two BPN Provincial Regional Offices (Kanwil), namely Aceh and East Kalimantan, as well as 44 District/City Land Offices (Kantah).
The predicate was given as one of the assessments carried out internally as well as a requirement for proposing work units to achieve the Corruption-Free Area (WBK) predicate.
In implementing the Integrity Zone, Minister AHY said that it was certainly not easy because of the many challenges in the field.
Therefore, he felt he had to give special appreciation to the work units that had seriously presented the Integrity Zone in their areas.
“I hope the others are also motivated. Therefore, congratulations to the award recipients,” he said.
On the same occasion, the Inspector General of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, R.B. Agus Widjayanto said that work units that receive the predicate will act as role models for other work units.
Considering that the process towards WTAB is not only done in a short time and this predicate must be maintained and even improved.
“The Assessment Team and the Integrated Team will continue to carry out periodic monitoring and evaluation so that after the predicate is obtained, there is no decline in quality.
This is the responsibility of the Head of the Regional Office and the Head of the Regional Office as the head of the work unit to continue to improve and maintain the quality of service to the community,” concluded R.B. Agus Widjayanto.
Present on this occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Hadi Tjahjanto Deputy Minister of ATR/Deputy Head of BPN, Raja Juli Antoni; representing the Minister of PANRB, Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform.
Accountability of Apparatus, and Supervision, Erwan Agus Purwanto; ranks of Senior High and Primary Officials of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, all Heads of BPN Regional Offices throughout Indonesia, and a number of Heads of District/City Offices.
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