Jakarta, Postsurabaya.com
Lawyer OC Kaligis was appointed as the supervisor of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Legal Aid Enforcement Consultation Institute (LKPBH) to handle cases of violence against journalists in North Sumatra.
“I have met with the Chairman of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun and they asked me to be a legal advisor with Inspector General Pol (Ret.) Roni Sompi,” said OC Kaligis in Jakarta, Friday (9/8/2024).
Kaligis said the meeting was held at the Central PWI office on Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta with other administrators on August 7 2024. According to him, the meeting brought to light the handling of cases of violence against journalists in North Sumatra.
Such as what happened to Rico Perfect Pasaribu in Karo Regency who died as a result of his house being burned down by TNI officers, this was also experienced by Junaidi Marpaung in Labuhan Batu Regency.
Rico Perfect died with his wife and grandchildren in his house after it was set on fire on March 21 2024, but Junaidi escaped the flames through the back door of the house.
He said that Rico’s house was burned down by members of the TNI because he had previously written intensively about gambling in Karo Regency and Junaidi exposed drug trafficking in Labuhan Batu.
The North Sumatra Regional Police and Karo Police have named the five suspected victims of Rico.
Accused of premeditated murder under Article 187 of the Criminal Code.
He added that there was a case of burning down Junaidi’s house on June 27 2024, but the perpetrator had not been arrested.
However, the modus operandi in both cases is almost the same, namely setting fire to the house after first locking or padlocking the entrance so that all the occupants catch fire.
The Professor at the Faculty of Law, Manado State University, said that in this case there was actually preliminary evidence, if it was connected to the news they wrote.
Kaligis said that in cases of murder or attempts on journalists in North Sumatra, the investigation was considered to be ongoing, fearing that the perpetrator actually had the opportunity to set up a scenario to escape police investigation.
He hopes that in this case there will be no “investigators catching a cold” so that supervisory investigators, including the public and journalists, will follow and supervise the progress of the investigation and investigation.
Even so, the lawyer for President-elect Prabowo Subianto urged the police to completely uncover the two cases of violence against journalists.
**** (adi)
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