Jakarta, postsuaraya.com
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN).
Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) is encouraging sustainable development that not only pays attention to the environment, but is also humanistic.
According to him, it is the duty of the Directorate General of Land and Space Control and Regulation (Ditjen PPTR) to ensure that economic growth resulting from development is sustainable and fair for the community.
“Sustainable growth with equity we want investment and development to accelerate, economic transformation to occur.
This goes back to our enthusiasm for providing an investment climate and also sustainable and fair economic growth,” said Minister AHY when opening the Technical Working Meeting (Rakernis) of the Directorate General of PPTR which took place at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Jakarta, Thursday (09/08/2024).
Sustainable development that is fair for society can be realized one way by carrying out the function of controlling and controlling land and space.
Minister AHY reminded that control and ordering should be carried out firmly and humanely so that no one in the community becomes a victim due to negligence in controlling and controlling land and space.
“What happens if a location violates or does not comply with its designation, it could become a victim of a natural disaster and this has happened in various areas.
We must prevent it, so that no more people become victims as a result of living in an area that does not comply with its designation.
“We protect our nature as well as possible,” said the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN.
Furthermore, Minister AHY emphasized that the Indonesian nation must maintain a balance between the need to accelerate infrastructure development in various regions and save and conserve the environment.
The Director General (Dirjen) of PPTR, Jonahar, on this occasion also agreed that control and ordering functions must be carried out to ensure that land is used according to its intended purpose.
“So after the land registration program through PTSL (Complete Systematic Land Registration) and the provision of RDTR (Detailed Spatial Planning) is completed.
Control needs to be carried out to ensure that the land plots that have been registered are utilized in accordance with the purpose of granting rights,” he said.
At the Working Meeting with the theme “Implementation of Control and Order to Realize Quality Utilization of Land and Space”.
Awards were given to work units that have supported the work program for control and ordering of land and space.
These awards include the Riau Province BPN Regional Office (Kanwil) as the Best Spatial Planning Secretariat for Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS).
In supporting operational activities of Spatial Planning PPNS activities in the region in 2023 and the East Kalimantan Province BPN Regional Office as the Best Provincial BPN Regional Office in Land Rights Control activities in order to support the.
Implementation of the Quick Win Performance Program for the First 100 Days of the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN in 2024.
The series of working meetings were opened with a report by the Chair of the Committee, namely the Secretary of the Directorate General of PPTR, Ariodilah Virgantara.
In the report, it is known that this meeting was attended by 706 participants, of which 125 attended directly.
With details of 92 participants from the center and 33 participants representing the Provincial BPN Regional Office.
Meanwhile, 583 participants attended online, consisting of work units in districts/cities.
Present to accompany Minister AHY on this occasion were a number of Middle and Primary High Leadership Officials of the Ministry of ATR/BPN.
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Untuk diketahui, dalam kesempatan ini Menteri AHY menyerahkan 505 sertipikat.
To note, the target for land areas in Indonesia that will be registered by the Ministry of ATR/BPN in 2024 is 120 million land areas.
For information, the work units that received the WTAB predicate this time were two BPN Provincial Regional Offices (Kanwil)
Some were issued in 2023 and 2024. In 2024, all of them were Electronic Land Certificates, totaling 35 certificates.
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