Tigaraksa, postsurabaya.com
After the implementation of the electronic certificate, the Regional Head of BPN Banten checked services at a number of land offices. This is the turn of ATR/BPN Regencyb Tangerang.
This week the Head of the Banten Province National Land Agency Regional Office (Kakanwil BPN Banten), H. Sudaryanto , SH.MH, visited a number of land offices in Banten Province, Friday (9/8/2024).
The visit was carried out to monitor the accelerated adjustment of land services after.
The implementation of the Electronic Certificate of Land Rights or e-Sertificate in all land offices throughout Banten Province.
“In implementing Electronic Certificates in land services there are additional stages called Media Transfer, Pre-Electronic Measurement Certificate and Pre-Electronic Land Book,” said H. Sudaryanto.
Who was accompanied by the Head of ATR/BPN for Tangerang Regency, H. Joko Susanto, A.Ptnh. M.Si, KTU. H.lrul and Kasie Survai who were represented by Jajuk. K. SH.
This media transfer stage is carried out by digitizing and validating the data on the analog certificate to the land application.
Then continuing by confirming the Measurement Certificate (SU) and Land Book (BT) data in the analog data (physical), electronic data (land application) and in the field it is appropriate.
“Officers at the media transfer stage ensure that the land plot has been mapped.
That what has been mapped does not overlap and often the officers and the land owner have to jointly confirm the boundaries and position of the land plot by checking in the field,” he explained.
After implementing electronic certificates, the land office needed to make many adjustments.
Because before the issuance of electronic certificates there is a media transfer process, Pra SU Elektronik, Pra BT Elektronik and their staff are very careful in implementing it.
However, after this adjustment and with the increasing amount of electronic ready data, the electronic service for issuing e-certificates has become faster and easier, he said.
“Electronic certificates are difficult to forge, there are many steps that must be followed, each step has a password.
“Then there are certain codes that are not easy to imitate, unlike analog certificates, perhaps they can be faked, signatures, stamps and so on,” he stressed.
The community will get an El Certificate at the First Time Land Registration service (Grant of Rights, Waqf from land that has not yet been certified.
Registration of Ownership Rights for Flat Units) or Maintenance of Land Registration Data (Transfer of Rights, Change of Name, Extension of Rights, Waqf from Land that has been certified, Split/Separation/Merger etc.).
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