Jakarta, postsurabaya.com
Appreciating the Strengthening of Lemhannas’ National Values, Minister AHY Invites Participants to Take Responsibility for World Issues.
The Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) appreciated the activities for Strengthening National Values which took place from 22 to 11. July 28 at the National Defense Institute (Lemhannas) Building, Jakarta.
According to him, this training builds a sense of responsibility and increases knowledge and understanding of the field of national resilience.
“I am happy and proud to be able to attend Lemhannas in person.
We must become citizens, a nation that can maintain its sovereignty but also be responsible for world issues.
Including economic, political, social, democratic, and so on,” said Minister AHY when he was a resource person at the recent Strengthening National Values activity.
Minister AHY added that this was part of welcoming 100 years of national independence which could create various manifestations.
Among them is an Indonesia that is safe and peaceful, just and prosperous, as well as advanced and global.
On this occasion, Minister AHY invited the participants to become driving forces in preparing a strategy to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045.
“Of course we hope that it will not just be a goal or dream, but will actually come true because we have strong capital, including quantitatively large natural resources and human resources,” he stressed.
The material presented in this activity is national values originating from the Four Basic Consensus of the Nation, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Republic of Indonesia, and the Principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
This aims to ensure that participants are able to transform national values into thought patterns and attitudes.
And patterns of daily life actions in the context of forming the personality of Indonesian society.
Apart from Minister AHY, the material presentation session was also attended by the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin.
The detailed training agenda contains coaching, discussions between groups, digital literacy, and building national character through Mental Revolution.
It is hoped that this training can foster a sense of nationalism and awareness among participants to strengthen national resilience as an effort to maintain the integrity and security of the country.
Present to accompany Minister AHY in this activity was Special Staff for Internal Management.
Agust Jovan Latuconsina Expert in Institutional Cooperation, Widanardi Satryatomo and Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of ATR/BPN. Harison Mocodompis.
Also present, Plt. Governor of Lemhannas, Eko Margiyono Deputy for Strengthening National Values of Lemhannas, Rido Hermawan and a number of IA-ITB Central Management.
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