The Ananta Wahana Hall on the second floor of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) building in Tangerang Regency was inaugurated. The inauguration was marked by a ribbon cutting by MPR RI Member, Ananta Wahana, Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
“By saying bismillahirrohmanirrohim, the Ananta Wahana Hall in the Indonesian Journalists Association building in Tangerang Regency today I officially declare its use,” said Ananta.
The inauguration of this hall also ended the construction of the building which began in February 2023. This hall is expected to support every journalistic activity and increase the capacity of journalists in Tangerang Regency.
Not to forget, Ananta also appreciated the entire performance of the management and members of PWI in disseminating important information needed by the people of Tangerang Regency.
“This office is indeed intended to support the activities of fellow journalists, especially members of the PWI Tangerang Regency,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Tangerang Regency PWI, Sri Mulyo expressed his gratitude for the inauguration of the hall on the second floor of this new building.
He also expressed his gratitude to all parties who had helped in the construction process of the building located in Cikokol, Tangerang City.
“I, on behalf of my fellow journalists, express my gratitude to God Almighty and thank you to the gentlemen/madams who have helped build this PWI building,” he said.
A Glance at the Tangerang Regency PWI
The Tangerang Regency PWI began with the assignment of three senior journalists in the petro area ‘Petro-Dolar Banten Province’ in the 1970s.
Then, in 1976, in Cibodasari Village, Tangerang, the Perumnas Karawaci housing complex was built, correlating with the issuance of Presidential Instruction Number 13 of 1976 concerning the Development of the Jakarta – Bogor – Tangerang – Bekasi (Jabotabek) Region.
Along with the construction of this housing complex, journalists began to arrive to live with their families in the housing complex. They were mostly journalists who had reporting assignments in various coverage areas in Jakarta.
Then, around 17 journalists among them who were originally assigned to DKI Jakarta shifted their coverage to Tangerang, either according to their office assignments or independently. They started joining 3 previous journalists covering news in Tangerang.
So that during that period, 1976-1980, the number of journalists covering in Tangerang had reached 20 journalists. The mass media of these journalists were national in scale.
At this time, this group of Tangerang journalists could be said to be part of the Tangerang Regency Government Public Relations led by Regent H Abdul Syukur and continued to be led by Regent H Tadjus Sobirin.
Their daily duties were in line with the duties of the public relations department, although of course they did not leave the usual reporting tasks that journalists usually hunt for.
Then in 1981, in connection with the need for a better professional organization, they agreed to form PWI Tangerang. At that time, their idea received moral support from the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Branch of the PWI Management, who provided technical consultation for its formation.
So the Tangerang PWI was formed in 1981 with the name of the Tangerang Liaison PWI organization which became part of the Serang Representative PWI as the PWI located in the Serang Residency area of West Java Province.
The first chairman of the Tangerang Liaison PWI served as the result of the election when it was formed was Yusmas Naib (Indonesian National News Agency commonly called KNI) with the first period of 1981-1983 and continued to the second period of 1983-1985.
Under the leadership of Syukry Arief in 1996-1998, in accordance with the rules of the central PWI, the Tangerang Liaison PWI changed its name to the Tangerang Coordinator PWI.
Along with the formation of Banten Province on October 4, 2000, the result of the expansion of West Java Province, the Tangerang Coordinator PWI changed its name to the Tangerang Regency PWI and this name has survived until now.
( trisno ).
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