Tangerang, postsurabaya.com
Regarding the implementation of compliance assessment activities with Public Service Standards for Ministries.
Institutions and Regional Governments in the Banten Province Region in 2024 by the Representative of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, Banten Province, Monday (05/08). We hereby submit the assessment/data collection schedule as attached.
This assessment was led directly by Zainal, Mb Eka and Mas Faisal along with a group from the Indonesian Ombudsman recently. Meanwhile, accompanying the assessment was.
The Tangerang Regency ATR/BPN Office, Head of Office, H. Joko Susanto, A.Ptnh, M.Si, represented by the Head of TU Subdivision, ,H. Irul.
Accompanied by, H. Suharyanto, SH and H. Johan. From the Banten Province ATR/BPN Regional Office, Mutty Wisnu, SH.
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